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Things are heating up in the U.S. Senate.

Not actual heat — Senators’ climate change all-nighter set a certain tone, but the U.S. Congress is not any closer to action.

But the increased scrutiny on the Central Intelligence Agency is gaining steam.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the head of the Senate intelligence committee, accused the CIA of committing certain crimes to cover up the exposure of “interrogation techniques” — including the use of waterboarding, which critics have rightly termed torture.

Congress has oversight over the CIA and committee members have been looking into reports over the questionable interrogation program. On Tuesday, Feinstein dropped what might become a bombshell: She accused the CIA of spying via computer on committee staff members looking into the post-9/11 interrogation program. This could have major consequences; the separation of powers is enshrined in U.S. law.

For the record, CIA Director John O. Brennan denied her accusations and said his agency has tried to work in collaboration with the committee.

Some senators criticized Feinstein — who usually offers broad support for the intelligence community — for speaking out in such an unusual fashion. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was more measured. He said “We may need some kind of independent investigation.” He’s right. And the allegations have been sent to the Justice Department.

Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, a Democrat who also serves on the intelligence committee, has been outspoken on both CIA and National Security Agency overreach.

“The actions the chairman outlined are the latest events that illustrate why I directly pushed CIA Director Brennan to acknowledge the flaws in and misrepresentations about the CIA’s brutal and ineffective detention and interrogation program,” he said.

Its a fact that American leadership in the modern era has set up legal justifications for torture and detention practices that go against international law. Even those who fought to legitimize torture — or the regular Americans who think that it’s just fine with them — should be alarmed by the alleged behavior of the agency in charge. If the Justice Department finds that the CIA isn’t trustworthy, can those who support the detention and torture programs really know what they are supporting?

— Erika Stutzman, for the Camera editorial board. Email Twitter @stutzmane.